Join us at The Ledge September 1st – 3rd
Come and see us at The Ledge in London Olympia from the 1st to the 3rd of September. It is a great time to meet up and discuss how the season is going and what is coming up in the run up to Christmas. We will be able to talk about all our brands with a focus on... read more
Atom adds 36″ Mini Drop Through to the range
As of September the new Atom 36″ Mini Drop Through longboards will be added to the range. This model will be available in a yellow or a blue colourway. After the massive success of our 41″ Drop Through we expect these boards to be popular! Here is the... read more
Flysurfer Infinity 2.0 Chicken Loop Product Recall
Details of the Infinity 2.0 Chickenloop recall are now available with instructions to receive a replacement. Please take time to read the warning and find out if your kites are affected. If they are please follow the steps outlined to get your kite back in action.... read more
Camber Sands Kite Demo Weekend!
This weekend Camber Kite Week starts and we will be down there representing. We will be demoing kites from Flysurfer and Ozone and boards from Brunotti and FlyBoards. The wind is looking a little light on Saturday so the big Speed 3s, Zephyr and Edges will be popular.... read more
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